Mustard Seeds

Mustard seeds are an essential spice. But, while you might be using them every day, are you aware of the many benefits of mustard seeds? There are many such spices that add that subtle flavor to your food and help improve your health. While mustard seeds are popularly used for seasoning or making curry pastes, they are also used to make mustard ketchup or spreads in American and other cuisines. Mustard seeds are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that help improve many health conditions. These tiny seeds are also replete with essential nutrients for the growth and development of your bones.

Health Benefits of Mustard Seeds:

Apart from the taste benefits of mustard seeds and the easy availability that made them popular, one can find a number of mustard seed benefits for our health too. Some of the mustard seeds health benefits are mentioned below.

  1. Cancer Treatment:

The presence of compounds like glucosinolates and mirosinase in mustard seeds are known to use phytochemicals to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. This is definitely a major mustard seeds health benefit

  1. Rheumatic Arthritis:

Mustard seeds are a source of relief for people having rheumatic arthritis. The selenium and magnesium content in it helps in providing relief from this problem

  1. Migraine:

Migraine occurrence also reduces owing to the magnesium content present in the mustard seed. A little touch of mustard to your fish can boost the constituting omega-3 content

  1. Respiration Congestion:

Mustard seeds or mustard in general is known to relieve any congestion problems in respiration

  1. Nightshades:

Mustard seeds should find an inclusion in your list of daily spices if you want to avoid nightshades.

  1. Disease Prevention:

There are certain nutrients in mustard seeds that prevent diseases from occurring. They are all a part of the basic structure of the Brassica family to which mustard belongs

  1. Dietary Fibre:

Mustard seeds are a good source of dietary fibres that improve digestion in the body. They make the bowel movements better, thus improving the overall metabolism of the body. The fibre content here is mostly very readily soluble making it effective for use

  1. Cancer Risk Prevention:

Selenium content in mustard seeds provides good resistance to the body against cancer cell formation. It is known to slow down the rate of development of cancer cells and also acts as an anti-oxidant (7).

  1. Blood Pressure and Menopausal Relief:

A number of nutrients present in mustard seeds like copper, iron, magnesium and selenium also assist in the treatment of blood pressure and menopause relief


Other uses

  1. Removes Odour: If your jars start to smell like the spices or ingredients you store in them, using mustard seeds can help. Warm a little water and add it to the jar. Also add a little mustard seed paste to the jar and shake it well. Pour it out. You would be surprised how the smell goes away.
  2. Relieves Muscle Pains: Stiff muscles or sore and aching muscles can be treated with mustard seeds too. Just soak yourself in a tub of warm water. Now add some mustard seeds powder to the same to relieve pain.
  3. Treats Cold: Mustard is often used to relieve congestion caused by bad cough or cold.
  4. Treats Back Pain: The extract of mustard seeds is useful in relieving spasms and back pain.
  5. Treats Fever: Mustard seeds induce heavy sweating, which is used to lower fever. It helps release the toxins from the body and has been useful in flu and cold too.

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